QUEENSRCHE Singer Featured On Latest 'Focus In The Mix With Denise Ames' Episode

October 17, 2011

The latest episode of the "Focus In The Mix With Denise Ames" TV show includes part one of an interview with vocalist Geoff Tate of Seattle progressive rockers QUEENSRCHE. You can now watch it below.

"Focus In The Mix With Denise Ames" airs the first and third Friday of each month on Time Warner's channel 165 at 7:30 p.m. throughout North L.A. County and streaming at this location.

QUEENSRCHE will play its classic 1988 album "Operation: Mindcrime" in its entirety on ShipRocked 2011, the music and lifestyle cruise which will set sail from Fort Lauderdale, Florida on November 14 to the tip of Mexico and its popular stretch of gorgeous Caribbean water known for scuba diving, shopping and bars aplenty, and return five days later. Performing Pamela Moore's parts in her seminal role as Sister Mary will be Maria Brinks of IN THIS MOMENT.

Tate told Billboard.com that QUEENSRCHE is already starting work on its next album despite having released its 12th LP, "Dedicated To Chaos", in late June.

"We kind of have that practice, to jump from one to the next," he explained. "It's what drives us to get up in the morning, the new music, writing the music. If we don't do that, we're just resting on our laurels and playing songs we've played a million times before, and none of us want to do that."

Tate said QUEENSRCHE is currently "putting some sketches together and discussing direction and that kind of thing," and he expects some songs will start to surface while the group is on the road. "We have studios with us at all times," he noted. "If you come backstage at any given show, we have a room set up, everybody here and there, working away. It looks like a laboratory. That really keeps the music flowing, too."

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